US Economy, Donald Trump & Kamala Harris Snubbed By India, Narendra Modi & Dr. Ankit Shah Now In 2024

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Last updated on October 7th, 2024 at 02:19 am

Dr. Ankit Shah has revealed that India has snubbed the US Economy, and US Presidential Candidates Kamala Harris, and Donald Trump by clearly revealing the events on the US visit of Indian PM Shri Narendra Modi.

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He revealed that some US Nationals and Indian Nationals were expecting Narendra Modi & Trump Meet during his US visit, which actually never happened, and he also revealed the secrets or logical reasons behind all this.

(Also Read: Is the US Economy Headed for a Recession? | Signs, Warning Signs, and How to Prepare]

US Economy News Today & Facts

He revealed that the US economy is just a war economy and dependent only on creating wars by using the Two Bucket theory all these years. The US media also regularly use this same policy and interfere only in Asia, keeping Canada, and Europe aside.

US Economy, Donald Trump & Kamala Harris Snubbed By India, Narendra Modi & Dr Ankit Shah - Dr. Ankit Shah Interview On Narendra Modi's US Visit & US Economy

Dr. Ankit Shah Interview On Narendra Modi US Visit & US Economy

In his interview on 30th September 2024, on a News Debate Channel he clearly said that there was no need for the Indian PM to meet US Presidential Candidates as the entire Economy of the US is controlled and actually governed by the US Corporate Entities and Multinational Corporate Entities and these politicians had no role to play as far as the economy of US is concerned.

When the US politicians are dependent on the funding of the US economy and also rely for their own funding on corporate entities, they have been working only to fulfill the whims & fancies and facilitate all the requirements & needs of the corporate entities and multinational entities.

He said that when all the CEOs and controllers of the corporate and multinational companies directly met and had discussions with the Indian PM, and so there was no need to meet with the US politicians.

With more and more countries, corporate entities & multinational companies accepting the process of de-dollarization worldwide, the economy of the US appears to be sinking, and the same will become visible very soon.

Deep State & The US Economy - US Economy, Donald Trump & Kamala Harris Snubbed By India, Narendra Modi & Dr Ankit Shah

The Deep State & The US Economy

In the present scenario the deep state appear to have accepted the fact that there is no option left then accepting the process of de-dollarization.

He also revealed that corporate entities in control of the deep state having accepted the process of de-dollarization there would be hardly any scope left for the reserve currency on the global stage in the near future.

The US Two Bucket Theory

The Two Bucket Theory is always creating differences and wars between two nations or two neighboring nations thereby encouraging US arms sales and keeping and maintaining the reserve currency status of the US Dollar.

This US theory of Two Buckets is also going to become irrelevant, which has been pursued by the US for many many years with the only purpose of maintaining the reserve currency status of the US Dollar, and the same is now being junked in the world by nations ar an increasing pace.

The Role Of The US State Agencies

Several US State Agencies and the CIA have been focusing and working towards drastic interference in Indian affairs and all the Asian Nations.

These US State agencies working under several names & guises and are involved in several covert operations in the Asian Region and India.

US Economy, Donald Trump & Kamala Harris Snubbed By India, Narendra Modi & Dr Ankit Shah - US Presidential Elections & De-Dollarization

US Presidential Elections & The Process Of De-dollarization – US Dollar News

The present US election process is quite weird as the Non – US citizens are allowed to vote in the US Presidential Elections, moreover, the US administration is also completely silent on the influx of people from other countries and foreign nationals.

No comments have come from the Democrats on the future status reserve status of the US Dollar.

Elon Musk has also been continuously hinting at the declination of the US Dollar and the ensuing bankruptcy of US, and he is not been conveyed or flashed in the arena, by the US Media in this US Presidential election.

Summing Up

The above revelations by Dr. Ankit Shah on the US Visit of Indian PM Narendra Modi, and the US economy, it is quite clear that:

The US is actually being governed by corporate entities and multinational companies and the politicians who are being projected to be ruling or governing the US.

The bankruptcy of the US and the reserve currency status of the US Dollar is gradually and rapidly heading toward a major global decline at the international level.

India with a population of more than 1.417 billion, is gradually rising towards becoming an economic superpower in the coming future with a large number of multinational companies and corporate entities looking ahead for good economic and corporate ties with India.

Tis is very much likely to strengthen the Indian economy and generate lots and lots of entrepreneurship, employment, and jobs in India in the near future.

With India’s future looking quite bright, many powers that made hay since the formation of the UN after World War now appear to be worried and thinking ways and means to maintain their economic and financial at the global status at the global level

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Worked with The Deputy Chief Minister & Home Minister Government of Maharashtra, and then with The Deputy Prime Minister & Union Minister for Home Affairs, Government of India. Now Chief Ofย  Real Time News Analysis. We are a fully professional team working in the fields of Finance, Real Estate, Business, Technology, Geo-Politics, & Global News, and with an experience of more than 40 years in these fields.

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